Dearest Family-
This week was awesome. First off- we have been doing this thing during weekly planning where we write out EVERYTHING we want to do that week, and EVERYONE we want to see. We even map them and group names together by location after we plot them out on the map- it's a lot of work and i kond of want to die in the midle of it haha but it is SO WORTH IT! It helps the rest of the week go so much better and then we have a plan for every hour of every day- we know exactly who we need to see and when were going to see them.
I've realized my mission and making me grow and teaching me a milion skills that will really come in handy the rest of my life, I now know how to: 1 teach. 2 plan and prepare lessons. 3 give talks, speeches, and lessons. 4 read maps. 5 drive on HUGE highways. 6 organize and schedule. 7 make appointments with people over the phone. 8 get along with others and compromise all the time. 9 find things in the scriptures and know where things are. 10 rely on the Spirit and counsel with the Lord in all things. Its amazing! The blessings of a mission are innumerable.
We have started doing scripture study with an elderly sister in our ward- we literally go to her home twice a week and read her personal scriptures with her out loud and break things down and talk about each verse- it's so cool i'm learning a lot while doing it and mom it makes me think of you and how you used to do that with me! and she loves it and is really learning a lot from it.
We also were led to tracting again one day when we had another appointment fall through- I was saying a prayer asking God what he wanted us to do with our 90 minutes before our next appointment and felt strongly- knock doors. Well it was a reallyyyyy hot day and we usually have 0 success doing that so i really didnt want to, but then i remembered a scripture sis chandler read this morning talking about how we cant just sit around and expect things to happen- we have to go out an work to make things happen! so we parked the car grabbed some pass along cards and Books of mormon and started walking. First door we knock- an elderly woman opens the door- i do our little door apporach, "Hi we're the sister missionary's for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, and we have a message of Christ to share that will bless you and your family.." well turns out she was adopted by a mormon family!! Her name is Andrea- we talked with her outside for 20 minutes before she let us in, where we proceeded to talk for an hour and boom! She invited us back over for dinner and wants to learn more- we just found a new investigator first door we knocked!! Her name is Andrea and she is a sorority mom for college girls so she kinda loved us :) anyways that was a miracle I just wanted to share with y'all- pretty stoked about it!!
Also there is a family in the ward that is housing a girl named Savon while her parents are deployed shes 15 and she went to girls camp and came back wanting to learn more about the church!! Apparently she bore her testimony and everything :) so we have an appointment to start teaching her this Saturday :) what a blessing and a joy. We are continuing to teach Maya (16 years old) and she loved the Plan of Salvation, and we havwe discussed baptism with her, but she isnt ready to commit yet. She has been praying but she hasn't been reading the Book of mormon, and no one can come to know of the truthfulness of this gospel without first reading and then praying about the book of mormon with "real intent" like Moroni 10:3-5 states. She loves it though and wants to keep learning more. We also continue to teach Autumn and hope to begin teaching her family soon. Pray for that! if we can talk and meet with her family- baptism is just around the corner for this little girl. shes such a bright light.
Our elders gave some people we are working with a blessing of healing, so that was really cool to witness- I love seeing the priesthood power in action and seeing it bless others- we have such great elders I really love serving with them. We also got one new referral!! hopefully that will turn into something :) referrals are like gold haha again- i was stoked about it. And a funny! I totally got asked out last week haha so awkward getting asked on a date as a missionary- this guy just didnt get it!! I explained to him what I was doing right now and how dating isnt allowed right now, but he still gave me his number and proceeded to tell me a ton of hilarious things- poor sister chandler was dying laughing haha it was great. I just gave him a pass along card.
Anyways this week was great just really busy- and this coming week should hopefully be just as busy if not more!! I love you all so much- I love your letters and emails keep them coming because they mean the world to me <3 take care
Much love
sister B