Dear Family-
This was incredible week- there is no way i can even begin to share it all in this one email! First off- our investigator Maya moved back to Alaska this week- our last lesson with her was hard...its hard to leave her!! But she has the gospel now. She finished reading 2 Nephi before she left too which meant a lot. I wrote her a letter and then when we were saying our goodbyes she said she had something to show me- she had an envelope full of everything we had ever given her- in one of our lessons a couple months ago I drew her the plan of salvation on scratch paper and she kept it and said she will always treasure it- she loves the plan of salvation:) oh that really touched really doesn't get any better than sharing ETERNAL TRUTHS with someone and then seeing them feel and know it is true!! what a blessing to have been a part of her life- I pray she will continue on this path she's started down in drawing closer to Her Savior and learning His teachings.
Then we had a MIRACLE on tuesday- we went to this lady's house- she wasnt home- but her 19 year old granddaughter was there with her boyfriend- well they let us in and we got to talking...Her name is Holiday- she is possibly the most spiritually enlightened individual I have ever met!! she's been living with her grandma who converted years ago but is less active now so she is familiar with the Church- well we started reading from the Book of Mormon and you should have seen her face, her countenance..just change. She got really emotional and she said, "As we're talking and after you just read that (it was in Alma) I just feel like I'm glowing I feel so good!" We told her that was the Holy was amazing. She wanted a Book of Mormon, so we gave her one, and then at the end of the lesson I asked her if she felt comfortable saying the closing prayer. She said she had never prayed out loud before so we talked about how to pray and I wrote it all out for her (Dear Heavenly Father, what youre grateful for, what you need, Questions, In the name of Jesus Christ Amen) on a napkin and bless her heart!! She said the closing prayer her first prayer!! It was amazing!! SO we found a new investigator. Then as we were leaving, her boyfriend comes up to us and tells us that he had been praying that she would be led to good people, good friends, and then we showed up so he thanked us for that- well by then I was about in was so amazing. We are seeing her again next week. this girl is going to be baptized I can feel it...and her boyfriend may very well join too. What a miracle.
We found another investigator from knocking on doors- Kimberly a 50 year old woman retired from the Air force. Then the miracles continued!! We had a lesson with the Henderson family (as we do every week :) with Autumn, the 10 yr old girl that wants to be baptized, but his time sister Henderson invited Autumns parents over for dinner with us- we have been working towards this since I first got out here and sister Henderson finally got the courage to do it!! I'm soooo proud of her...well it went AMAZING!! Me and Autumns mother totally hit it off and we talked the whole time and at the end she wanted our number and her and her husband are interested in family history! It's amazing because if we can gain the trust and support of her parents, Autumn can be baptized, and I would not be the least bit surprised if her parent's start investigating too!! This is our prayer and our hope..but it was amazing- sister Henderson was so thrilled and relieved.
Also- Sister Hendersons non-member husband joined us as well so maybe his heart is softening towards the gospel and He will accept taking the lessons from us! He really loves...he cooked for us it was a great experience. Then later we had a lesson with the banks- they are also a part member family (I love them dearly!!!! so much fun haha) Her husband isn't a member but he is always pullings pranks on me- haha I just love that family.
Anyways the Stubbs (who I adore- they're a young couple and he's our ward mission leader and she is a ward missionary and she comes out with us all the time to lessons :) were invited too. After dinner we taught the Plan of Salvation to them and it went so well...After the lesson I just sat on the couch soaking in how happy I was....soaking in how much I love the people here...How they really are like family to much I love being a missionary and how grateful I am to be serving here and how grateful I am to the Lord for leading me here. I just felt such deep joy im tearing up just thinking about it. I'm so happy you have no idea- I'm finally starting to get how to do missionary work...I get it now! I love it. I'm so glad God gave me the strength to go on in the times I felt so overwhelmed because now? wow- theres just joy. and love. and peace. and im in heaven!! haha I'm so close with the people here! Sister banks even got me a present from her trip to maine :) they are family to me.
This Sunday I spoke along with Elder Sanders- it was weird sitting up on the stand together without our companions...but it was amazing- mom and dad, I wish you could've been there. I had a moment- When they were announcing the speakers and said "Our first speaker will be sister Bertoldo, a full-time missionary, followed by Elder Sanders, also a full-time missionary" it really hit me- because I haven't heard my name followed by "a full-time missionary" ever hearing that- something inside me just felt so fulfilled...I thought of when I was little and first started having desires to be a missionary..a full-time missionary. that was a sweet moment. I know I'm doing what I was almost meant to do and Heavenly Father is pleased. I want to send you a copy of the talk. Bishop let us choose our topics, I chose the reality of Miracles, and Elder Sanders chose repentance- those two topics go perfectly hand in hand because really- what greater miracle is there than Christ's atoning sacrifice and the miracle of repentance? Well after our talks, an elderly woman came up to me crying and said that as we spoke she really felt the Spirit and knew she needed to have us teach her friend- so she gave us a referral!! We are going to start teaching her now as well.
Well...needless to say family this week was miraculous. A great week. we taught 27 lessons. I so testify that God is in this work- The book of mormon is a miracle because it softens hearts, changes attitudes and enlightens minds. Its done it for me and I've seen it happen time and time again on my mission. I LOVE being a missionary. read Mormon 9:15-19 love you all so much thank you for all you do,
Much love sister B