Dearest Family-
It's official- I am being transferred to Tallahassee to be a Sister Training Leader!! Also I will be reunited with my beloved Sister Treiber! :D It feels so right! I am excited for this leadership position and the spirit has been preparing me to leave my beloved gulf Breeze for 6 weeks so I have said my goodbyes all along.
We had a baptism and let me tell you- it was AMAZING!! The Spirit was sooo strong....I have never known such joy. truly. truly. to see Lisa be baptized and to see her progression in just 6 weeks from start to finish? this is truly a gospel of change. This tells me the Lord accepts our service here and is pleased with our work- it also leaves me motivated to be even better and be an even better missionary for such a Gracious Glorious God. Words fail to convey the smallest part of what I feel- my cup runneth over. this sunday Laura and Lisa received the Holy Ghost and were welcomed in as the newest members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints- truly Christs church restored in full to the earth! I felt such peace and joy and Heavenly Fathers joy, and I just felt so humbled and overcome with the Spirit. Lisa was so happy and her son is so excited to be baptized in March. Also another miracle- my dear friends the Stubbs surprised me at the baptism by bringing their sweet 16 month old adopted daughter Makena!! To see Sis. Stubbs do what she does best- be a mother- I could not stop crying for joy for her. What a miracle to see her as a mother and to see her righteous desires she so deserves fulfilled. I love her so much and her daughter Makena is BEAUTIFUL. I can truly leave in peace. I will be saying goodbye and taking pictures with everyone all day.
Also I got to sing one last time- I sang the First Noel- I was grateful for the Spirit and power I felt while singing- I know I wouldn't be able to sing without the Spirit.
Some other amazing things happened this last week- we went to dinner with some young women, Ari and Kara they are both seniors and my dear friends. Ari wants to serve a mission and kara is considering it- they were asking us lots of questions and for advice but the amazing part was when kara said, "I want to serve a mission but I have a problem- I have to work out everyday. I can't let that go." ha! I couldn't help but laugh! She sounded jussssttttttt like me before my mission- and I knew the Lord had placed me here with her to be able to help her overcome a struggle so near and dear to my heart- I testified and shared with her how I came to let that go, and realized the eternal perspective and how we are given a body to be on earth to progress so to let your body which is a gift from god hold you back from spiritually progressing...that makes no sense! man she was riveted- she was listening. then at the end she was just silent. "that makes perfect sense..." she said then she was just looking down and we all carried on with other conversation. Well 2 days ago I got a text from her saying that what was said that night what what she needed to hear and it really resonated in her and silenced her fears and answered her question, she said, "I know I need to serve a mission. I will." I was so overjoyed because I know that she just made the best decision of her life. When faith overcomes fear progression ensues.
I recently got a blessing- in it it said, "Do not stress about your future- He is in it." when I heard this I felt a power enter into my whole soul that drew tears from my eyes because I could feel the reality of this truth...the Spirit truly bore witness to me of that. He went on to say that, "You are serving here and now because the Lord needs you here and now," Oh to be needed and used by the Lord! That is among my greatest desires and joys....He again repeated that I need not stress about the future because I am doing what He needs me to do, and as I strive to be celestial and submit my will and love His Children as Christ did- "blessings will ensue and you will see miracles in your areas and in yourself. Your Heavenly Father wishes you to be comforted of the future and wants you to know He is taking care of you. He is proud of you. He loves you. Blessings will come." wow. this was especially amazing to hear because of the phrasing that "he is taking care of you". Weeks previously I was in deep prayer with God concerning matters of my heart after grandpa's passing, which was truly one of the most painful difficult times in my life, I remember distinctly asking God, "Why do you want me to just take care of your Kids- who is taking care of me?" well....this was a pretty direct response to that. And He has shown me in a million other ways just how silly that question was! I will never question that again.
i will give you my new address next week. I love you all tons. I want you to know I have a estimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. I just want to talk about Him for a moment- in my personal studies I am at 3 Ne. and I am reading the saviors words to the people in the Americas when He appeaed after His crucifiction. I have LOVED starting my day of with reading His words- it has softened my heart, inspired my mind and ennobled my soul to read His words- that is why the Book of Mormon is so amazing- we have so much more of His words and teachings straight from His mouth...I have most especially been touched to read how frequently and easily the Savior wept. Hope you are having a merry christmas season so far- I love being a missionary during this time of year. I love how Christ centered everyone is now- my heart is really touched and I am excited to serve the people and sister missionaries in Tallahassee- I have a feeling much awaits me there :) love you guys.
Sis. B
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